Balance: Sword and Umbrella

I would like to believe the saying that says ‘life gives you what you can handle’.
I like to believe that there is no true failing, but just lessons to be learned.
I like to believe that karma works, so revenge and its relatives are invalid.
I like to believe that giving others the benefit of the doubt, while wearing careful shoes has value.

On my desk sits a 16”-20” figure of a geisha. I find I get mesmerized by her face and posture.
Even when I am at moments of aggression, or depression, I find her serene smile, and gentle raised hands make me wish to return to a peaceful state. I wish to be of balanced mind. And in her hands, I have placed a sword in one hand and a umbrella in the other. The sword is on the yin side, and the umbrella on the yang. Staring above my monitor, I think of this.
I wish to never hold a sword in the hand of dominance. I wish not to rule over others, or intimidate, but let it be graceful, like the art form it is. I let it hold power, but not prowess. The umbrella is held in the hand of dominance, showing that kindness and protection should be what you project. In addition, she holds a flag along with the sword. It seems to me like a gentle reminder of where I come from, and my heritage, not forcing it as all of who I am and I wish you to see me as. Though, I admit, originally, I never really thought of the sides I placed either of the items, but as I spent more time looking at her down facing eyes, I couldn’t help but analyze, and help myself calm down.

I would like to believe you have something in your life that can calm you.
I like to believe this does not mean you force emotions away.
I like to believe I could make you smile.

I am sorry for not writing the suggestion post today. Time slipped away from me.

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